1. HillierSmith - Learn how to optimize your youtube video editing
  2. JonDorman - Learn the different creative aspects of growing youtube channels
  3. ColinandSamir - Interviews with industry leading creators
  4. finzar - Learn how to edit specific youtube video effects
  5. BusinessFilmBoothOnline - Learn more about youtube content strategy
  6. RyanNgFilms - Creative films for creators
  7. ChannelMakers - Learn more about youtube content strategy
  8. CreatifyTV - videos on youtube growth and viral phenomena
  9. THiNKmediaTV - This channel offers camera reviews, video gear reviews, and tech gear review videos for video creators.
  10. Paddy galloway - Channel that breaks down the strategy behind big creators
  11. thefuturishere - The Futur focuses on education for creative entrepreneurs, with a mix of content on design, business, and technology.
  12. DodfordYT - Channel that’s an amazing example of creative filmaking on youtube
  13. Derral Eves - Derral Eves is a YouTube and video marketing consultant with a large amount of educational content about growing a YouTube channel.
  14. CreatorEconomics - Channel that breaks down aspects of the creator economy
  15. CreatorDynamics - Learn how to live a more sustainable life style as a creator
  16. CreatorWizard - Learn how to get youtube sponsership
  17. TheEditingPodcastChannel - Podcast about youtube and film editing