

(Show recording of the channel On YouTube, scroll through the popular videos)

Our Channel’s name is (Insert channel name) and it’s been around awhile. On the channel, we make (Name the format you are using the re used content in) compilation videos of interesting clips from various tv shows and universes that we enjoy watching, such as (Name the content you are using) Judge Judy, Divorce Court, Judge Mathis and many others.

We carefully research these clips to ensure that they are fair use. We research these titles, and write our own custom scripts to provide commentaries and our opinions. These scripts are then recorded by our team of experienced narrators.

(Click on the video whose editing process you will be showing to play but keep the volume low and let it play for as long as this narration goes)

Our videos are then edited by our team of editors who try as much as they can to abide by YouTube ‘s guidelines before they’re uploaded.

(Show editing process)

Here is a sample of the work that goes into making one such video. In our custom script, narrations are split between the clips of the videos that are carefully cut and matched to their respective commentary, after which the final work is inspected for errors and uploaded onto YouTube. Every step of our production is 100% customized and is never copied, pasted, stolen, or recycled.

(Go back to channel Scrolling Through The Popular Videos)

We would appreciate it if you could go through this again and review your decision on the channel as we would love to keep making more content on shows that we love for our tens of thousands of subscribers.

Example appeals